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List of Vedic gurukuls in India
A Vedic Gurukul”, by Vediconcepts

List of Vedic Gurukul In India (by state)

NOTE: Take a look at the most comprehensive post on the internet about the ancient Indian Gurukul Education system that we have written on our blog.

The most comprehensive list of Vedic Gurukul in India on the internet. We have categorized gurukuls by state and UTs. We update this list regularly. So, if you find any discrepancy or know a gurukul that we’ve missed, please write to us through our Contact Us page.

According to the study conducted by Vediconcepts (April 2022), there are 4500+ gurukul in the whole of India. We have data about 2612 gurukuls and trying hard to map all of the Vedic gurukuls in India. The study of the gurukul system opened our eyes to the pathetic condition of gurukuls in India.

Even though the number of gurukuls operating in India has increased dramatically in the last decade but most of the new gurukuls are only namesakes i.e. they do not follow the real gurukul pattern. We have compiled resources to read about the advantages of the Gurukul system, a list of books on the Gurukul system of education, and subjects taught in a Gurukul.

Top 10 Gurukul in India [2024]

Top 10 Gurukul in India

Top 15 Free Gurukul in India [2024]

Top 10 Gurukul in India

Number of gurukuls in India (by state)

StateNumber of Gurukuls
Andhra Pradesh31
Andaman and Nicobar0
Arunachal Pradesh0
Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu0
Himachal Pradesh4
Jammu and Kashmir2
Madhya Pradesh14
Tamil Nadu50
Uttar Pradesh63
West Bengal7
Number of Gurukuls by state

Books on the Gurukul Education System

Gurukul by State

Andhra PradeshArunachal PradeshAssamBihar
Himachal PradeshJharkhandKarnatakaKerala
Madhya PradeshMaharashtraManipurMeghalaya
RajasthanSikkimTamil NaduTelangana
TripuraUttar PradeshUttarakhandWest Bengal
Vedic Gurukuls List (by state)

Gurukuls by UT

Andaman and Nicobar IslandsChandigarhDadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and DiuDelhi
Jammu & KashmirLadakhLakshadweepPuducherry
Vedic Gurukuls List (by Union Territory)

Want to give your children Gurukul education at home?

A gurukula or gurukulam is a type of residential educational institution, in which a student lives with the acharya or guru. A gurukul offers religious, secular, and vocational instructions under the same roof. The word “gurukulam” is derived from the Sanskrit words “guru” (teacher) and “kulam” (family or clan).

Gurukul system has always been innovative when compared to the factory schooling of the current education system, because of its student-centric approach instead of the teacher-centric approach of the current factory education system. Read our post on the ancient Indian gurukul education system if you want to about the gurukul system in detail.

Gurukul education provides practical and application-based learning in comparison to the theoretical & information-based learning of the current factory education system. Gurukuls typically combine academic study with opportunities for students to participate in community service projects and help the community around them.

There are very few gurukuls in India that follow the true gurukul education system of ancient India. The Gurukul system has been disrupted for quite some time now. We Indians haven’t paid much attention to it either.

Classification Based on the pattern followed

This classification is based on the pattern that a gurukul follows. The pattern is what makes a gurukul different from the factory schooling of the current system.

Now let’s discuss the state of the gurukul system in India. There are three types of Gurukuls in India right now.

  1. Type 1: Gurukuls where students live with the acharya and learn mathematics, Arthashastra, astronomy, science, Darshanas(philosophy), Vedas, Vedangas, Ayurveda(medicine), Yoga, etc. Students undertake projects that are beneficial for society and give them practical experience.
  2. Type 2: Gurukuls mainly focus on the study of the Sanskrit language with the help of Asthadyayi of Panini and some study of Vedas. But doesn’t focus on the holistic approach taken by Type 1 gurukuls. This is the typical category of gurukuls, that people are most familiar with.
  3. Type 3: This is the route taken by more and more gurukuls these days. They adopt a hybrid approach. They follow the CBSE pattern and are accredited by a particular board. But they also include some elements of the gurukul system like residential schooling, Sanskrit language studies, and moral education. They are nothing more than residential schools with some sprinkling of Vedic principles. Gurukul Kurukshetra is a premier example.
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Please read our Gurukul system of Education post to know more about Gurukuls, their differences, how it works, etc.

In this list of Vedic Gurukuls, we have included Type 1 and Type 2 gurukuls(mentioned above). We’ll keep this list updated so that you can find the best Vedic gurukul near you. If you see any discrepancy or know about a great gurukul that we have missed, please let us know through our Contact Us page.

We are creating this list of Vedic Gurukuls that are currently operating in India. The main motive of this list is to provide exposure to these Gurukuls and help those who want to support the Gurukul education system of ancient India.

Classification Based on the tradition followed

Gurukuls can also be classed based on the sampradaya or tradition that they follow. Tradition doesn’t or shouldn’t have much effect on the pattern that a gurukul follows. But it can affect the subject matter that is taught in a gurukul. But more often than not the quality and pattern of the gurukul varies a lot with changes in tradition.

Some of the prominent traditions that run gurukul in India are as follows:

1. Shree Swaminarayan sampradaya

Shree Swaminarayan sampradaya runs one of the most prominent gurukuls in India. They run a total of 49 gurukuls, most of them situated in Gujarat, but also in most major cities of India. In addition, they run gurukuls in the USA and Europe.

The gurukuls run by Shree Swaminarayan sampradaya follow the CBSE pattern in addition to some sprinkling of Vedic principles. The gurukul charges will be equivalent to other schools in a particular city.

2. Shankaracharya mutt & others

Many Veda pathshalas are run by various mutts. They have branches in most of the pilgrim sites or temple towns of Hinduism. Most of the important and famous temples around India run such pathshalas. There is no charge for studying in these pathshalas.

3. Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu foundation

Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu foundation also runs 22 gurukuls in various states of India. But most of them are in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. These are not free gurukuls, but the fee charged is very nominal. They charge only around 20,000 for the whole year.

4. Art of Living Foundation

Art of living foundation runs 6 gurukuls in India.

5. Arya Samaj

Arya Samaj, though limited in scope, runs many gurukuls mainly in north India. They teach Grammar and Darshan. But some gurukul like the one run by Paropkarini Sabha, Ajmer has the widest variety of scriptures that it teaches.

There are more than 40+ gurukuls that offer free education and are run by Arya Samaj.


ISKCON runs a few gurukuls. Two of the main ones are in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, and Mayapur, West Bengal which follow the ancient pattern.

7. Various other smaller traditions

These are another sampradaya gurukul that does not fall under the above-mentioned categories.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Vedic gurukuls are there in India, in 2022?

According to a study conducted by Vediconcepts in April 2022, the total number of gurukul in India is 4500+. Out of which majority follow a hybrid curriculum i.e. they follow the CBSE pattern but include some elements of the gurukul system as well.

But the rest, follow an ancient pattern. The gurukuls that provide quality education are even less than 1% of all the gurukul in India.

Our aim is to map and collect data for all the gurukuls being operated in India. If you have any information about a gurukul. Please feel free to contact us.

Vediconcepts have created a list of more than 450 such gurukuls and categorized them according to the state above.

How many gurukuls were there in India in 1947?

Though there is no official data available in this regard. But if we extrapolate from the British period, we can safely say India had very few gurukuls. My estimate would be somewhere around 700 – 800. As discussed earlier, most of these couldn’t even be considered gurukul in its real sense.

The apathy of Indian governments after independence and their love for western education led to further destruction of Gurukul education, which was already in very bad shape.

How many gurukuls were there in 1811?

If we include all the Sanskrit pathshalas (primary gurukuls, gurukul for kids), vocational gurukuls (gurukuls for teaching partisanship), and the Vedic gurukuls, then it will be well over 100,000.

I am well aware of the statement made by W. Adams that there are more than 100,000 villages and in each village, there is at least a pathshala. This statement of his was based on his impression rather than real data. But in all parts put together, it is safe to say that there was well over 100,000 gurukul in all of India.

We have examined this question in detail in our post on the status of gurukul education under British rule.

Does Gurukul exist in India?

Gurukuls still exist in India, but the system is in very pathetic condition. Even the gurukuls that still exist in India do not operate up to the standards of pre-medieval India let alone the gold standard of ancient India particularly the Vedic age.

What subjects are taught in Gurukul?

Vedas are the main subjects that are taught in Vedic gurukuls. But there are many gurukuls that also teach Darshanas (Yoga, Vedant, etc), Ayurveda, etc. Read the post about subjects taught in a gurukul if you are looking for detailed information.

Where is Gurukul situated in India?

Gurukuls are situated all-over India but the prominent ones are situated in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh. Gujarat and Rajasthan are other states where a number of gurukuls are being operated by various organizations.


The content on this page (The latest Gurukul List) is collated by volunteers from public general information. So if you have information about a gurukul that you do not see here. Please consider submitting by contacting us, this will help us to provide everyone with the latest information on Gurukuls in India

We welcome any feedback, corrections, or updates that can be shared with our community.

The contents of this website are open-sourced and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC By-SA 3.0 US). Feel free to share, remix, or otherwise.

9 thoughts on “List of Vedic Gurukul in India”

  1. Namaste 🙏

    If you have information about a Gurukul, please share it in the comments so that we can create the most comprehensive database of every Gurukul in India.

    Thank you very much

  2. नमस्ते 🙏

    यदि आपके पास गुरुकुल के बारे में जानकारी है, तो कृपया इसे टिप्पणियों में साझा करें ताकि हम भारत में प्रत्येक गुरुकुल का सबसे व्यापक डेटाबेस बना सकें।

    आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद

  3. Ahmedabad has two gurukuls namely
    1. Acharya Hemchandra Sanskrit Pathshala, Ram Mandir, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad
    2. Bansi Gir Goshala, Shantipura Circle, Ahmedabad

  4. I am research scholar of Nepal Sanskrit University, Nepal. My research topic is “The challenges and Importance of Gurukul Education system”. Thus, Please provide me some literatures regarding this fields as possible.
    Thank you.

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